Newsletters and Flyers
School Newsletters
Speedy's Spotlights
Cerritos First Annual Pumpkin Drop STEM Challenge
In October, Cerritos' classes participated in the schoolwide STEM challenge "Pumpkin Drop". Each class was provided with a 6-8" pumpkin and were tasked with creating an apparatus that would provide protection for their pumpkin when it was dropped from the school library roof. The test was to see if their pumpkin would survive the fall. Each class was given a list of acceptable materials and constraints to follow in building their apparatus. Check out our school video and the story on our local Fox 10 News for some fun views of our first annual pumpkin drop.
Forgotten Angels Toy Drive
The Cerritos Student Lighthouse Leadership group organized a service project to help support the Salvation Army's Angel Tree program by collecting toys and gifts for forgotten angels. This student-led project collected over 500 donations to provide a happy holiday for those in need. Two of our special student leaders were spotlighted when they dropped off the Cerritos donations to the Salvation Army. Thank you to all our families that donated items to support our drive. We are so lucky to have such a generous and caring community at Cerritos.
Handouts and Flyers
Leadership Crew Corner
We are excited to have kicked off our Cerritos Leadership Crews for the 2023-2024 school year! We decided to change things a little bit for this year and connect it with our school theme of “Lead on”. We will be participating in several special challenges throughout the school year that will allow Leadership Crews to compete for their crew. Stay tuned for more information coming about the challenges.
Each staff and staff member is part of a Leadership Crew. The crews are represented by color. We have three colors; neon pink, neon blue, and neon green. Each class has been assigned to a crew color for the school year.
Neon pink: Amantia, Cochran, Byrne-Quinn, Korson, Tibbott, Eger, Geno
Neon blue:: Murray, Moe, Callaghan, Cadwell, Zisler, Jolin
Neon green: Nachazel, Petrillo, Eginton, Baumann, Wontor, Brockman, Wills
RED Explorer Crew |
GREEN Explorer Crew |
BLUE Explorer Crew |
Cochran |
Murray |
Nachazel |
Byrne-Quinn |
Hoffman |
Petrillo |
Korson |
Moe |
Baumann |
Tibbott |
Callaghan |
Wontor |
Eger |
Zisler |
Brockman |
Whitchik |
Jolin |
Wills |