Cerritos Class Mission Statements
Murray- We are leaders! We work hard, solve problems, and treat others the way we want to be treated. We work together to make our classroom a safe and happy place to learn.
Nachazel- We will be kind, helpful and loving. We will always share and make our classroom a happy place. We will make lots of friends!
Amantia- Our classroom mission is to be kind, helpful and be respectful to each other. We want to work together and be a positive leader!
1st Grade
Moe- In Mrs. Moe’s class we will work hard, do our part, be good role models, be safe, be kind, be happy, and have lots of FUN! listeners! We will have fun every day!
Cochran- In first grade we will try our personal best and show C.A.R.E.S every day!
Petrillo- Our class is a family. We will work together, use our manners, try our best and will treat each other the way we want to be treated. We will be Proactive Leaders who are in charge of ourselves. We are 1st grade leaders!
2nd Grade
Eginton- In Ms. Eginton's class, we strive to reach our goals, spread positivity, and treat each other with respect. We learn from our mistakes and persevere even when times are tough. We lead by example and demonstrate the 7 Habits and CARES every single day. As both learners and leaders, we take charge of our own learning and come to school prepared and focused.
Byrne-Quinn- We the leaders in Mrs. Byrne-Quinn’s class will be kind, help each other and show C.A.R.E.S. We will treat others the way we want to be treated. We will try our best in all areas. We will learn every day. Leaders, Leaders, GO Leaders!
Callaghan- As MVP’s, we will have fun every day! We will make smart choices, follow the 7 habits and CARES and never give up to challenges. We will Keep our eyes on your target!
3rd Grade
Korson- As the leaders in Mrs. Korson’s class, we will be kind and treat others the way we want to be treated. We will make smart choices and keep our eyes on the target. We will try our best every day. Most importantly, we will make this the best year ever!
Baumann- Mr. Baumann’s positive 3rd grade class will keep our eyes on the target and always do our best and forget the rest. We will follow our school and class C.A.R.E.S. so we make smart choices. We will also be leaders who lend a helping hand to those in need. Most importantly, we will make this year amazing and have fun!!!!!!!!!!
4th Grade
Tibbott- We, the leaders of Ms. Tibbott’s class will show good manners, lead by example, and follow the Golden Rule. We will model our school CARES, follow the 7 habits, and be helpful and kind towards others. We will go the extra mile and make this the best year ever!
Wontor- In Ms. Wontor’s class, we are kind, responsible, and respectful leaders. We show CARES, use the 7 Habits, and try our best. We are great role models, are always inclusive, and we help others. We are positive and honest students who make learning fun!
Zisler- Everyone in Mrs. Zisler’s class uses CARES and the 7 Habits. We are leaders and role models who take initiative and follow the Golden Rule. We are responsible and respectful, we help others, and we have manners. In our class, we are hard-working, we try our best, and remember that it is okay to make mistakes because we learn from them. We have patience and count on each other to succeed.
5th Grade
Brockman- We the leaders of Mr. Brockman’s 5th grade class will be role models, who inspire others to be kind, respectful and always do their best!
Eger- Mrs. Eger’s 5th Grade Leaders will show kindness, cooperate, and inspire others.
Jolin- In Mrs. Jolin’s class we will be kind, inclusive, and positive in order to be successful 5th grade leaders.
Geno- In Mrs. Geno's class, we show kindness to everyone, try our best at everything we do, and have fun while learning new things.
3-5 CCD
Wills- In our class, we will show kindness to others and always try our best in all that we do.