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(480) 541-2201


(480) 541-2201

Make a Tax Credit Donation

Tax Credits

Make a Tax Credit Contribution

Our learning is enhanced thanks to you

Your tax credit contribution helps students attend extracurricular* activities like athletics; art and music programs; character education; and field trips. Arizona statute allows individuals/couples to claim up to $200/$400 for a dollar-to-dollar tax credit.

The deadline for tax credit contributions each year is April 15 of the following year.

Donate Online Now

Examples of extracurricular enhanced learning include:

  • lessons that come alive with author visits
  • experiences that demonstrate future career possibilities
  • programs that teach manners, work ethic and good citizenship
  • inspiring educational field trips 

Learn more about the opportunities tax credits give Kyrene kids in the videos below!

Make a donation by mail:

2025 Tax Credit Donation Form

2024 Tax Credit Donation Form

Mon-Fri 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Mail to: 
Kyrene School District #28
Ben Furlong Education Center
8700 S. Kyrene Road Tempe, AZ 85284-2197
NOTE: By state law, tax credit contributions are non-refundable.

*Under state law, Arizona taxpayers can receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit when they contribute to extracurricular activities in public schools. ARS 43-1089.01(G)(2)(d) defines extracurricular activities as school-sponsored activities that supplement the school’s educational program and may require enrolled students to pay a fee in order to participate.